Accessible installation shafts

Business Campus in Garching

Accessible installation shafts needed to be separated with a fire-resistant partition at the Business Campus in Garching near Munich. To meet this need, 60 PRIODOOR ETX inspection flaps were installed in the stairwell. The unique feature of the project were the lowering floor seals and doors with three-sided frame. The Business Campus chose a real wood veneer surface in American cherry.

Project data
Project location:Garching
Building:Business Campus, new office building
Year of construction:2014 – 2015
Solution:Large-format PRIODOOR ETX
Material:Non-combustible panel with surface coating, classification A2 – s1, d0
Fire-resistance rating:90 Minuten
Protective target:Fire-resistant separation of accessible installation shafts
Special features:Flush installation of 60 PRIODOOR ETX with three-sided frame and lowering floor seal, surface in American cherry real wood veneer
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Inspection opening closure for special solutions


Overview of product details

  • Fire-resistance rating 30/90 minutes
  • Smoke protection
  • Tight seal
  • Install in solid wall, gypsum plaster walls or PRIOWALL wall system
  • Single or double-leaf design
  • Full block frame
  • Profile half cylinder locking mechanism
  • Full smoke and fire protection seals, self-foaming in case of a fire
  • Also available with a three-sided frame and floor seal


Referenzbericht “Begehbare Installationsschächte”

PDF | Stand: 09/2018 | ca. 2,60 MB