New office building – fire protection in the stylish splendour of the past

The new office building picks up on the qualities of modern office buildings through various components such as a high proportion of glass and a generous ground floor zone. At the same time, a connection to the stylish splendour of the past is established via exquisite materials and details that are reminiscent of the opulent buildings from the beginning of the 20th century.

Requirements/Protection Objective:
Keeping the lift vestibules and escape routes smoke-free.

Large-format smoke extraction dampers
PRIODOOR ETX RDA with surface in PRIOPAINT primer film. PRIOPAINT has the classification A2-s1, d0 including priming foil. This can be provided with a coat of paint on site.

Due to a stylish overall concept, the requirements for the smoke extraction flaps located in the publicly accessible area were to harmonise an unobtrusive appearance with the required functionality.

In the event of a fire, the lift vestibules and escape routes are kept smoke-free via smoke extraction shafts. The openings of these shafts are closed with smoke extraction dampers specially designed for closing off exhaust shafts.

The smoke extraction dampers were arranged within the lift vestibules, a particularly frequented area. The large-format, single-leaf, fire-resistant PRIODOOR ETX RDA smoke extraction dampers were used. In the event of fire, the smoke extraction dampers open automatically by controlling the on-site smoke protection pressure system. Maximum dimensions up to a width of 1000 mm and a height up to 2500 mm in the vertical versions provide a large, free and unobstructed discharge area for the fire gases. In normal operation, the dampers are smoke-tight and have a fire resistance rating of over 90 minutes.

The smoke extraction flaps covered with PRIOPAINT priming foil represented an almost perfect possibility for inconspicuous installation. On the construction side, a design adaptation of the surfaces according to the colour concept was realised.

Project data
Project location:Berlin
Building:Office building, new construction
Year of construction:2021-2022
Solution:Smoke extraction damper PRIODOOR ETX-RDA with surface PRIOPAINT
Material:Non-combustible panel with surface coating, classification A2 – s1, d0
Fire-resistance rating:90 minutes
Protective target:Keeping lift lobbies and escape routes smoke-free
Special features:Adaptation to the colour concept of the office building
Architect:Nöfer Ge­sell­schaft von Ar­chi­tek­ten mbH
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Reference report “Fire protection in a stylish office building”

PDF | Stand: 09/2022 | ca. 2,00 MB

Products used

Smoke extraction damper PRIODOOR ETX RDA

  • For closing openings in exhaust shafts
  • To keep safety stairwells smoke-free
  • Opens automatically in case of fire

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System 42

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